Today, we’re going to be discussing four common misconceptions about Customer Experience (CX). We’ll be talking about the cost of CX, the relationship between happy customers and CX, the role of technology, and who is responsible for CX.

Misconception #1: The Cost of CX

Some people believe that customer experience programs are expensive, and they’re not entirely wrong. Enterprise-level CX programs can cost a lot in terms of time, energy, and money. However, the benefits of a well-executed CX program far outweigh the costs. Studies have shown that CX programs can improve business efficiency by 10% and increase a company’s share price by the same amount. CX programs typically cost less than an annual marketing budget.

Misconception #2: Happy Customers = Good CX

Another common misconception is that customer experience is all about making customers happy. While happy customers are a result of good CX, customer experience is more about the employees, teams, resources, and culture within a company that make it possible to deliver excellent customer service. A focus on customer happiness alone isn’t enough to make a CX program successful.

Misconception #3: Humans do it all

Many people believe that technology isn’t a crucial part of customer experience, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Even basic technologies can significantly improve the customer experience by reducing friction, improving efficiency, and creating a more personalized experience for customers. Technology plays a huge role in CX and should be a key part of any CX conversation.

Misconception #4: It’s about the people

Finally, many people believe that customer experience is all about culture and people. While these are important factors, they aren’t the whole story. The person responsible for leading the CX program and managing its success is just as important. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of who that person is and what they need to know in order to lead a successful CX program.

In conclusion, these are four common misconceptions about customer experience. Remember that CX is about balancing the cost, happy customers, technology, and leadership to create a successful program. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section. Don’t forget to tune in next week for the final class in this series where we’ll be talking about measuring CX.